Portuguese language
1808: The Flight of the Emperor, subtitled How a Weak Prince, a Mad Queen, and the British Navy Tricked Napoleon and Changed the New World (Portuguese: 1808: Como uma rainha louca, um príncipe medroso e uma corte corrupta enganaram Napoleão e mudaram a História de Portugal e do Brasil, which translates as How a mad queen, a coward prince and a corrupt court fooled Napoleon and changed the History of Portugal and Brazil) is a non-fiction historical book written by Laurentino Gomes, edited by Planeta. In 2008, the book was awarded as the best essay book by Academia Brasileira de Letras. It was also awarded twice a Prêmio Jabuti, at the categories "best reportage-book" and "non-fiction book of the year".The same author published 1822, a sequel.