Published Nov. 21, 1892 by C. L. Webster & Co..
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These are selected poems of Walt Whitman, the great poet and author of one book:
"Leaves of Grass".
Walt Whitman was the poet of the self and the poet of Democracy with a large "D"". The theme of the poems in Walt Whitman's book is man's all encompassing self and its relationship to the the world and the universe.
A sample of Walt's songs:
One's self I sing, a simple, separate person.
Yet utter the word: Democracy.
The word En Masse.
Of physiology from top to toe I sing,
not the face alone, nor the soul alone,
nor the body alone,
but the form complete
is worthier far.
Of Man and Woman I sing.
The Modern Man I sing.
I project the history of the future.