Das Zeichen der Vier

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German language

Published Aug. 5, 2013 by LibriVox.

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4 stars (4 reviews)

"Das Zeichen der Vier" ist der zweite Sherlock-Holmes-Roman von Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes und Dr. Watson werden von Miss Mary Morstan beauftragt, bei der Suche nach ihrem verschollenen Vater zu helfen. Dieser war Offizier in Indien und verschwand vor zehn Jahren spurlos bei seiner Rückkehr nach England. Ein anonymer Brief bringt die drei auf die Spur von Thaddäus Scholto, dessen Vater mit dem Gesuchten befreundet war und zusammen mit ihm in Indien in derselben Kompanie gedient hat. Scholto berichtet, dass die beiden Männer einen Schatz aus Indien mitgebracht hätten, und dass er und sein Bruder den Schatz einst entdeckt hätten. Kurz darauf wird der Bruder unter mysteriösen Umständen ermordet und der Schatz gestohlen. Thaddäus Scholto wird der Tat verdächtigt und festgenommen. Da Sherlock Holmes an dessen Unschuld glaubt und von den rätselhaften Umständen der Sache fasziniert ist, nimmt er sich des Falles an. (Zusammenfassung von Wikipedia und Karlsson.)

101 editions

Review of 'The Sign of Four' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

While most Sherlock stories are intriguing, this one stood out to me as perhaps the most interesting. Not because of the crime, but because of all the original stories I have read thus far this one seems the most interested in Sherlock's motivation and character- fleshed him out as it were.

I also can't help but be amused by Doyle's treatment of Sherlock's drug addiction and apparent manic depression. No apologies. I just can't help but feel like Doyle has been trying despretly since day two to convince his audience that Sherlock is not a good guy. Kind of like how J.K Rowling feels about people obsessing over Draco.

Review of 'Sign of the Four by Arthur Conan Doyle (Mystery, Thriller and Historical Fiction) Unabridged and Annotated Volume' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Sherlock Holmes is bored because there are no puzzles for him to solve until a beautiful woman (who catches the eye of Watson) asks Holmes to track down the mysterious person who is sending her very expensive pearls every month. Said woman's father serviced in the East India Company, but disappeared upon his return to England. The mystery deepens as the pearls seem to be part of a much greater lost treasure.

I enjoyed this book more than the first one. The action doesn't break in the middle and Holmes has to make a bigger effort to catch the clever criminal. And again, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle let us know that justice is not black or white, but lies in a grey area.

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