Second author book I’ve read, second on Rachel Knight series. I liked the plot. But maybe for times the author describes too much drinking / clothing / restaurant eating stuff. Even so, I’d recommend it and will most likely read the third book in series. Try it.
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Me considero um lifelong learner, que adora livros, principalmente os de ficção científica, fantasia e thrillers. Me interesso por leitura, tecnologia, lean manufacturing e lean IT, data science, plataformas digitais e business development, note taking, gestão do conhecimento, idiomas e seriados de TV. Eu também sou um explorador ocasional de dungeons em roguelikes e motorista de ETS2.
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Daniel Santos reviewed Guilt by degrees by Marcia Clark (Rachel Knight -- 2)
Daniel Santos rated Guilt by Association: 4 stars

Guilt by Association by Marcia Clark
A Deputy DA specializing in high-profile cases, Rachel Knight is addicted to her work and fiercely loyal to her friends. …
Daniel Santos rated The last town: 4 stars

The last town by Blake Crouch (Book three of The Wayward Pines series)
Secret Service agent Ethan Burke arrived in Wayward Pines, Idaho, three weeks ago. In this town, people are told who …
Daniel Santos rated Wayward: 5 stars

Wayward by Blake Crouch (Wayward Pines, #2)
Welcome to Wayward Pines, population 461. The town is a modern-day Eden... except for the electrified fence and razor wire, …
Daniel Santos rated Pines (Wayward Pines, #1): 5 stars
Daniel Santos rated O desaparecimento de Stephanie Mailer: 5 stars
Daniel Santos reviewed The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
Review of 'The Silent Patient' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Um livro sensacional. Uma história fluída de ler, instigante, que vai nos deixando curiosos página após página. Conforme lemos, vamos nos compadecendo da personagem Alicia e à medida em que nos aproximamos do final os acontecimentos são completamente inesperados. Ótima leitura. Não conhecia o autor e espero ler outras obras dele.
Daniel Santos rated Segredos Da Mente Milionaria, Os: 5 stars
Daniel Santos rated Chernobyl 01:23:40: 3 stars
Daniel Santos rated O Instituto: 5 stars

O Instituto by Stephen King
The Institute is a science fiction-horror thriller novel by American author Stephen King, published on September 10, 2019, by Scribner.
Daniel Santos rated Laranja Mecanica: 5 stars

Laranja Mecanica by Anthony Burgess
Uma das mais brilhantes sátiras distópicas já escritas, Laranja Mecânica ganhou fama ao ser adaptado em uma obra magistral do …
Daniel Santos rated Save yourself: 4 stars
Daniel Santos rated O Homem do Castelo Alto: 2 stars

Philip K. Dick: O Homem do Castelo Alto (2016, Relógio D''Água)
O Homem do Castelo Alto by Philip K. Dick
The Man in the High Castle is an alternate history novel by American writer Philip K. Dick. Published and set …
Daniel Santos rated A Corrente: 5 stars

A Corrente by Adrian McKinty, Clóvis Marques
Vítima. Sobrevivente. Sequestrador. Criminoso. Você vai se tornar cada um deles.
O dia começa como qualquer outro. Rachel Klein deixa …