Paperback, 400 pages

Português language

Published Feb. 27, 2021 by Editora Aleph.

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5 stars (3 reviews)

Obra máxima de George Orwell, 1984 é um dos livros mais influentes do século 20. Eternizada pela crítica ao totalitarismo e à usurpação dos direitos individuais, esta distopia assustadora marcou toda uma geração de leitores. Em uma sociedade extremamente regulada e aterrorizada por um regime totalitário, Winston Smith se sente encurralado. Funcionário público no Ministério da Verdade, onde trabalha alterando documentos para atender aos interesses do Partido, ele se vê desiludido com o sistema e com a própria existência. O desejo de se rebelar, porém, esbarra na constante vigilância das teletelas e no aparato repressivo do governo, que transformou a liberdade e a individualidade em crimes e persegue quem ousa desafiar as suas regras. Ao se aventurar em um romance secreto com Julia, com quem partilha o desprezo pelo Partido, Winston percebe que sua ânsia pela verdade pode se tornar uma possibilidade real de mudança. Mas combater o regime não …

4 editions

A masterpiece of dystopia. Incredible story exploring the outcome of fascism.

5 stars

I've read this book wanting to fully understand the concept "Orwellian". I was always able to conceputualize the idea of "Big Brother" but never really full understood.

This book certainly fufilled that quest for knowledge, and masterfully described a dystopian outome potentially arising from a outbreak of fascism. A perfect example of storytellying using a relatively plausible future arising from the Nazi regime and the rise 20th century authoritarianism.

reviewed 1984: a novel by George Orwell (Signet Classics)

Horrifyingly Excellent

5 stars

Absolutely excellent book, a must read for everyone in my opinion. It does get a little dry at certain parts, but picks right back up. It is entirely worth pushing through.

The book expresses an insanely scary, yet completely plausible future of the world, or more likely certain places. Some places around the world share many similar core values with the world of 1984, which furthermore helps strengthen the fearful possibility. 1984 is a great fusion of non-fiction, history, futurism, and fiction in a dystopian world ruled by people who quite literally want nothing more than power, pure, unadulterated power. They will do anything to get it, and do anything to keep it. This is all done in a fictional world, but sometimes it really feels like you're reading non-fiction, due to how completely possible the world created is. Many values shown in the book, you hear and see about …

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