Sun House

english language

Published 2023

5 stars (1 review)

An epic comedy about the quest for transcendence in an anything-but-transcendent America, set amid the gorgeous landscapes of the American west: A “spiritual journey” full of “fun, joy, love, courage and compassion” (Pulitzer Prize-winning author Richard Powers) from the author of the perennial cult bestsellers The River Why and The Brothers K.

A random bolt from a DC-8 falls from the sky, killing a child and throwing the faith of a young Jesuit into crisis. A boy’s mother dies on his fifth birthday, sparking a lifetime of repressed anger that he unleashes once a year in reckless duels with the Fate, God, or Power who let the coincidence happen. A young woman on a run in Seattle experiences a shooting star moment that pierces her with a love that will eventually help heal the Jesuit, the angry young man, and innumerable others.

The journeys of this unintentional menagerie carry them …

1 edition

reviewed Sun House by David James Duncan

Cosmo-natural epic for this century

5 stars

(em português com links → )

A few books are more than literature, they are a major event in life. ‘Sun House’ (2023), by David James Duncan, is one of the three or four in which I've felt this.

It's a nearly 800-page epic about how a handful of people in the US, facing the various degenerations of the world in recent decades, end up converging in a natural area in the state of Montana.

I laughed a lot at the ingeniously miraculous scenes. I cried not only at major or minor calamities, but also at the transcendent melting in the reconnection with the essence of nature that permeates the story - although this sounds new age, it's far from it.

Yes, it's an intensely spiritual book, but it clashes head-on with institutions, dogmas and preaching, based more on direct experience of the lost essential dimension. For example, one …


  • nature,
  • utopia,
  • climate emergency,