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From Brazil. #scifi #philosophy #nature #politics #tech #fantasy

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sol2070's books

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Martin Aitken, Karl Ove Knausgaard: Third Realm (2024, Penguin Random House) 5 stars

From bestselling author Karl Ove Knausgaard, a kaleidoscopic novel about human nature in the face …

Hell breaks loose

5 stars

(em português com links: )

In "The Third Realm" (2024), Karl Ove Knausgaard continues his captivating kaleidoscopic saga that mixes literary realism with science fiction and even horror, in the third installment of the "Morning Star" series.

The previous book, "The Wolves of Eternity" (2024), seems almost independent, while this one is clearly a sequel. Although the author envisioned the books as a loose series, in which it would be possible to read any of them without having read the others, "The Third Realm" picks up where the first book left off, when a great star takes over the sky and the unexplained begins to interfere in the characters' lives.

Although the supernatural becomes more explicit, the book retains the style of delving into the routines and minds of the various characters, each with engaging parallel stories. It's as if there were several short stories embedded in the main …

Karl Ove Knausgaard: Wolves of Eternity (2023, Penguin Random House) 5 stars

The future is no more, and eternity has begun.

It's 1986 and a nuclear reactor …

"Eternity has begun"

5 stars

(em português, com links →

"The Wolves of Eternity" (2024, 800 pgs.), by Karl Ove Knausgård, is the second book in "The Morning Star" series, about routines transformed by the appearance of a big new star in the sky.

Volume one covers the first and second days from the point of view of nine people in present-day Norway. "Wolves", on the other hand, is a kind of interlude focusing more on two key people. The young Norwegian Syvert returns from military service at the time of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and discovers his deceased father's secret past, which connects him to the Soviet Union. In contemporary Russia, Alevtina is confronted with personal crises and her obsession with the essence of biological life.

The narrative at the end integrates deeply with the series and its huge themes of death, life, human crisis and nature. But this book has few of …

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Ursula K. Le Guin: The Telling (2003, Ace) 5 stars

Once a culturally rich world, the planet Aka has been utterly transformed by technology. Records …

Thoughtful tale of culture vs monoculture

5 stars

The cover blurb makes it sound like a cautionary tale about our highly-tech-dependent world (even in the 1990s!), but it's not the technology that's the problem. It's the homogenization of culture, and the insistence that there be one perspective, and only one perspective, that really matters.

Think of how we travel and find the same chain stores, chain restaurants, the ISO standard Irish Pub with its bric-a-brac decor, and how our TV and movies are full of endless reboots, spinoffs and sequels.

We see it first in Sutty's memories of Earth, controlled largely by a theocracy until contact with alien civilizations kicks their support out from under them. And then in the world she's trying to understand, one that's undergone a complete transformation in the time it took her to travel there at relativistic speed. She knows there were flourishing cultures here before she left Earth. She studied the few …

Jem Bendell: Breaking Together (Paperback, Good Works) 4 stars

The collapse of modern societies has begun. That is the conclusion of two years of …

Acceptance of collapse

4 stars

(em português, com links: )

In “Breaking Together” (2023), English researcher Jem Bendell summarizes the current catastrophic socio-political-environmental situation and suggests proposals for mitigation and regeneration for what remains.

Yes, “for what remains”, because in his analysis the unfolding of a general gradual collapse is not only inevitable, but has been underway for years.

The first half of the book is a presentation of detailed evidence of both the collapse and the practical improbability of its reversal, in the economic, energy, biosphere, climate and food areas.

An excerpt:

The arguments in the first half of this book could be regarded as simply an observation of data, rather than a theory or opinion. If some scientists might wish to claim that I'm analytically wrong in my identification of ongoing societal collapse, then I invite them to show us all the data on a multi-year consistency of greenhouse gas emissions coming …

reviewed Estrela da Manhã by Karl Ove Knausgård (Estrela da Manhã, #1)

Karl Ove Knausgård: Estrela da Manhã (português language) 5 stars

Primeiro romance de Karl Ove Knausgård desde a consagrada série autobiográfica Minha Luta, Estrela da …

Alta literatura fantástica

5 stars

( )

"Estrela da Manhã" (2021, 656 págs.), do norueguês Karl Ove Knausgaard, é o primeiro volume da trilogia conhecida pelo mesmo nome. Capturou-me totalmente, não queria ler ou ver mais nada — geralmente, leio alguma não ficção paralelamente.

A combinação é uma das que mais gosto: uma pessoa consagrada na literatura se aventurando pela ficção especulativa, científica ou fantástica, como por exemplo Kazuo Ishiguro e Doris Lessing, que ganharam o Nobel de literatura e criaram ótima ficção científica.

Karl se consagrou com os seis volumes da série de autoficção "Minha Luta", um fenômeno literário de crítica e público inédito em seu país, traduzido mundo afora, incluindo Brasil.

"Estrela da Manhã" narra em primeira pessoa a rotina de várias pessoas na Noruega, quando uma nova estrela toma conta do céu, prenunciando mudança radical. As personagens são tão cativantes que ficava me perguntando como o autor consegue dar vida assim …

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adrienne maree brown, Andrea Ritchie, Alexis Pauline Gumbs: Practicing New Worlds (2023, AK Press) No rating

Practicing New Worlds explores how principles of emergence, adaptation, iteration, resilience, transformation, interdependence, decentralization and …

AK Press has made 6 e-books free to download for a limited period:

  • Practicing New Worlds - Abolition and Emergent Strategies
  • Street Rebellion - Resistance Beyond Violence and Nonviolence
  • No Pasarán! - Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis
  • The Operating System - An Anarchist Theory of the Modern State
  • Joyful Militancy - Building Thriving Resistance in Toxic Times
  • Emergent Strategy - Shaping Change, Changing Worlds

reviewed Todos os Belos Cavalos by Cormac McCarthy (Trilogia da Fronteira, #1)

Cormac McCarthy: Todos os Belos Cavalos (português language, Alfaguarra) 5 stars

Romance impactante, violento e emocionante sobre as durezas da vida. Um dos pilares da literatura …

Faroeste existencial

5 stars

( )

"Todos os Belos Cavalos" (1992), de Cormac McCarthy, é o primeiro volume da Trilogia da Fronteira, um épico “faroeste existencial”, como costuma ser chamado.

Só mesmo a prosa mitológica de Cormac para me fazer ler um faroeste. “Faroeste” apenas na caracterização e cenário, a fronteira EUA-México nos anos 40. Não há justiceiro enfrentando bandido depois de uns goles no saloon. Tem sim algum tiroteio, mas o foco da história é a jornada por zonas limítrofes, também no sentido metafórico. Fazendo jus ao título, não faltam cavalos em toda a sua profunda dimensão.

Inconformados com a perspectiva de suas vidas, dois rapazes de 16 anos abandonam os EUA em direção ao México. Encontram um menino mais insano e novo que eles, tendo então que lidar com as consequências.

Li o livro depois do volume 2, "A Travessia", achando que estava relendo-o. Na juventude, um exemplar em inglês de …