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Joined 1 year, 3 months ago

From Brazil. #scifi #philosophy #nature #politics #tech #fantasy

Costumo ler sci-fi, filosofia, natureza, política, tech e alguma fantasia. Mais livros no blog → Também escrevo ficção científica → Mastodon → @[email protected]

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sol2070's books

Currently Reading

Sue Burke: Semiosis (Semiosis Duology, #1) (2018) 4 stars

In this character driven novel of first contact by debut author Sue Burke, human survival …

Alien plant sentience

4 stars

(em português → )

It's been harder to read science fiction, for some reason. Or rather, it's not been easy to find books I like in the genre. In the last few weeks, I've abandoned three well-recommended ones. So “Semiosis” (2018, 336 pgs.), by Sue Burke, was a find.

The story covers the first century of a small human settlement on the planet Pax, roughly the year 2200, after the complete collapse of civilization and the environment on Earth. The plan is a reboot of humanity, with values that don't point towards compromising the environment and self-destruction. Pax has a biosphere similar to Earth's — already with vegetation and animals — but as it is a billion years older, its members have evolved in an unexpected way. The species with the most sophisticated intelligence and communication is a plant, and humans have to learn to deal with it, among …

reviewed Spill by Cory Doctorow

Cory Doctorow: Spill (2024, 5 stars

In a new Little Brother novella, there is no security in obscurity. But there can …

Contemporary cyberpunk page turner

5 stars

(em português → )

‘Spill’ (2024, 111 pgs.) is a contemporary cyberpunk novella set in the universe of Cory Doctorow's Little Brother series.

As a fan of the trilogy(1), I was delighted to have hacker-activist Marcus back, as well as protest organiser Tanisha, a character from ‘Attack Surface’ (2020), the third volume.

Over the course of the series, Marcus grows up - the first two volumes are aimed at young people, and in the third, he's already an adult. In ‘Spill’, in his spare time between freelancing as a digital security consultant, Marcus sets up a mighty personal server in a hacker friend's datacenter, which ironically ends up hacked and hijacked as a vector for ransomware attacks.

In a parallel story that intertwines, a civil disobedience movement protesting the fossil fuel corporations wreaking havoc in California is being accused of terrorism and cyber-attacks, suffering brutal violence and repression.

It's …

Ursula K. Le Guin: Always Coming Home: Author's Expanded Edition (Hardcover, 2019, Library of America) 4 stars

Midway through her career, Le Guin embarked on one of her most detailed, impressive literary …

Ursula Le Guin's grand utopia

4 stars

(em português, com links → )

"Always Coming Home" (1985, 640 pgs.) is Ursula K. Le Guin's most ambitious novel, which took her five years to complete. The format is a collection of documents, illustrations and anthropological studies on the Kesh people, inhabitants of valleys in northern America thousands of years in the future. The complete edition was even accompanied by a cassette tape, as if they were recordings of Kesh songs and ceremonies.

In this future, the current civilisation was lost so long ago that it has been almost completely forgotten -- all that remains are sparse myths and legends about environmental catastrophes (the effects of which are still being felt) and self-annihilation.

The Kesh people are presented both through the reproduction of their own literature (biographies, novels, poetry...), art and religion (a kind of natural pantheism), and in the description of the elements of their culture by …

Kate Conger, Ryan Mac: Limite de caracteres (português language, Todavia) 4 stars

Este livro-reportagem de tirar o fôlego recompõe cada passo do polêmico processo de aquisição do …

Desmistifica a suposta genialidade de Musk

4 stars

"Limite de Caracteres – Como Elon Musk destruiu o Twitter" (Character Limit, 2024, 488 pgs.) é um livro-reportagem sobre o X/Twitter, focado em sua tomada por Elon Musk, escrito pela dupla de repórteres de tecnologia do New York Times, Kate Conger e Ryan Mac.

Adorei a leitura por desmistificar a suposta genialidade desse bilionário. Na biografia autorizada de Musk, de Walter Isaacson, ele é quase endeusado dessa maneira. Já em Limite de Caracteres, aparece como alguém que nutre uma ideia extremamente inflada de si, alienado da realidade, que não admite ouvir “não” e que basicamente não tem ideia do que está fazendo.

Sabe aquela pessoa que imagina estar cercada de idiotas e que a única maneira de fazer algo bem feito é mostrando aos “idiotas” como fazer? A sucessão ininterrupta de trapalhadas narrada no livro acaba sendo hilária porque Musk parece viver 100% nesse tipo de fantasia, sem desconfiar que …

reviewed Playground by Richard Powers

Richard Powers: Playground (2024, Norton & Company, Incorporated, W. W.) 5 stars

Four lives are drawn together in a sweeping, panoramic new novel from Richard Powers, showcasing …

Fiction to broaden the world view

5 stars

(texto integral com links, em português → )

"Playground" (2024, 400 pgs.) by Richard Powers was one of the books I was most looking forward to. After all, "The Overstory" was probably the best fiction I've ever read -- I wrote about this last year and it still holds up.

It didn't disappoint. It's magnificent speculative fiction (bordering on science fiction), now forming the author's ecological trilogy, with "The Overstory" (2018) and "Bewilderment" (2021). Instead of the word ‘ecological’, he prefers the term ‘trilogy about belonging to the world’, in the sense that it goes against the dominant narrative that humans, because of a supposed superiority, are practically beyond nature and can then do whatever they want with it. This is at the root of the current environmental emergency. In these books, nature is not something separate, a backdrop or a source of resources. It is the protagonist. Nature …

Raúl Zibechi: Territórios em Rebeldia (português language, Elefante) 3 stars

Raúl Zibechi é um dos mais importantes pesquisadores das lutas sociais na América Latina, e …

Boa coletânea

3 stars

( )

"Territórios em Rebeldia" (2022) reúne artigos do uruguaio Raúl Zibechi, ativista e autor especialista em movimentos na América Latina. O tema são movimentos radicais populares, mais horizontais e auto-organizados, muitos dos quais Raúl conheceu pessoalmente, além de novos ângulos sobre revolução e anticapitalismo.

Os textos mesclam narrativa, descrição e análise de forma mais fácil de ler. Não é uma obra essencialmente acadêmica.

Gostei especialmente dos mergulhos no movimento zapatista. Também não falta Brasil, incluindo o MST — considerado mais próximo do socialismo libertário, devido à estrutura anti-hierárquica, do que do tradicional.

O que atraiu inicialmente foi esse foco na descentralização. Não decepcionou.

Vale manter em mente que é uma coletânea de artigos variados em temas e ao longo do tempo. Não há tanto a coesão de livros escritos e planejados de forma mais direcionada. Quem esperar por isso, pode se decepcionar.