Review of 'Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
First off, I would just like to say that I am extremely glad I decided to come back to this series. My first time through I was not really a fan at all. I would like to think it mostly had to do with the fact that this is yet another example of Marvel putting as many white men on a "diverse" title as possible, but in this instance that is not 100% correct. While I am no great follower of Marvel, I should perhaps start giving them a bit more benefit of the doubt. They still have at least one higher up blaming all their sales woes on "diversity", but maybe they are actually making some meaningful steps... Despite the lack of pressure from the other half of the "big two". Not that this duopoly will likely last that much longer.
The main reason that I don't think I …
First off, I would just like to say that I am extremely glad I decided to come back to this series. My first time through I was not really a fan at all. I would like to think it mostly had to do with the fact that this is yet another example of Marvel putting as many white men on a "diverse" title as possible, but in this instance that is not 100% correct. While I am no great follower of Marvel, I should perhaps start giving them a bit more benefit of the doubt. They still have at least one higher up blaming all their sales woes on "diversity", but maybe they are actually making some meaningful steps... Despite the lack of pressure from the other half of the "big two". Not that this duopoly will likely last that much longer.
The main reason that I don't think I took to this series right away was mostly due to Harvey Pekar's biography comic Ego and Hubris: The Michael Malice Story. Not to say Michael Malice and Lunella have anything really in common, I was just more than a little tired of people who think themselves above all the other "lowly mortals". Because that sort of attitude is wreaking havoc on the world. We need more compassion, understanding, and mercy in the world, not people who see other people as ants! So highly personal and kind of silly, but that's why I didn't like it.
But searching through the internets at wide, it would seem like my opinion is in the minority, even amongst people who don't actually like the comic. And no, I don't think that a girl named Lunella being nicknamed Moon Girl is anywhere near stupid enough to deserve a mention. So I decided to request all of the first three volumes at once and give it another try.
Keeping my review tightly focused on volume one only, I will say that the character arc did end up going in a "good" direction. Aka the direction I thought was right. Although the relatively gentle way in which the writers push her through these lessons is not something I had thought of beforehand. It certainly would have been easy in this generally misogynistic world for the writers to decide what this precocious little girl down a few pegs and maybe even humiliate her completely just for shits and giggles.
Not a perfect comic for all people, I do think this is a pretty successful kid comic. It's a bit too "parents are silly", particularly in this first volume, for it to be a true all ages sort of comic, but that's pretty optional in my opinion. I certainly can remember how much it sucked being a kid with no control over what happened in my own life. I thought that the treatment of the Neanderthals was also pretty spot on.
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