Jo, que no he conegut els homes

Paperback, 232 pages

Published Jan. 29, 2021 by Periscopi.

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4 stars (2 reviews)

10 editions

I who have never known mostly anything

No rating

Expect only questions, no answers from this book.

Have you ever read one of those stories where after the apocalypse, or maybe on an uninhabited island, one person is left, seemingly the only person left alive at all? And the whole story arc is about them dealing with loneliness and trying to find another human? Usually they do, usually one of the opposite sex, the implication being that they'll procreate, thereby solving the loneliness problem for at least two generations. Have you ever thought about that second generation? The siblings who will either have to resort to incest or dying out one by one? I often did. I wondered what it would be like for the last sibling, truly the last person on earth now.

I Who Have Never Known Men is about that last person, an account of her life, and it's as bleak as you would expect it …

Entre la distòpia i el tractat filosòfic

4 stars

Ja fa temps que vaig llegir aquest llibre. De forma poc habitual el vaig llegir d'un parell de tirades per l'imminència de la data d'un club de lectura. Pel que ara recordo, el que més em va impactar és com la autora aconsegueix descriure una experiència humana sota unes circumstàncies extraordinàries i increibles. La situació és tan extrema des del punt de vista humà com a inexplicable que duu a una vida de la protagonista sense cap propòsit, sense esperança, on no hi cap tipus de transmissió del coneixement ni de formal oral o escrita i on el desenllaç final és inevitable i desesperançador.