enne📚 commented on These Fragile Graces, This Fugitive Heart by Izzy Wasserstein
The #SFFBookClub pick for March 2025.
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The #SFFBookClub pick for March 2025.
A very different book than The Space between Worlds, but equally good.
While TSBW kind of revolved around the interworld travel premise, Those Beyond the Wall is firmly rooted in "Earth 0"'s Ashtown. Mr. Scales has a wildly different perspective on the Ashtown oligarchy and culture than Cara did, and it's kind of fascinating to see some of the blind spots the author built in. Despite the very different plot foci, there are similar strong themes of antifascism, anticolonialism, and the struggle for justice.
It's even more gritty than the original, yet potentially more hopeful as well.
I would strongly recommend reading TSBW first, because a lot of the setting is taken for granted here.
Stories should never be believed, but they should always be trusted.
— Those Beyond the Wall by Micaiah Johnson (The Space Between Worlds, #2)
I like to watch pretty things move. I like to make broken things fixed. I’m simple.
— Those Beyond the Wall by Micaiah Johnson (The Space Between Worlds, #2)
They call me Mr. Scales because I’m a snake.
— Those Beyond the Wall by Micaiah Johnson (The Space Between Worlds, #2)
I've had this one on my to-read list for ages - I'd better start it now if I'm going to finish in time to read Those Beyond the Wall for #SFFBookClub February
The #SFFBookClub pick for February 2025
I added this to the SFFBookClub poll for the month of January because I super enjoyed it.
If you don't know about it, the SFFBookClub is our informal fediverse science fiction and fantasy book club. I figure that folks from bookwyrm probably might be more interested in reading and talking about books so I wanted to post this here as well. We vote, read a book together, and then discuss via the #SFFBookClub hashtag over the course of the month. Take a look if any of these books sound interesting to you and you want to read along with others.
See: weirder.earth/@picklish/113660284130610947 for January poll
See: sffbookclub.eatgod.org/ for more general details
The Practice, the Horizon, and the Chain is a deeply dark yet eventually hopeful look at the continuation of current societal structures into space.
He spoke with an odd accent, intelligible but mushy, as if he held a small object in his mouth.
Ah, space danish
The woman woke to the crackling of her anklet and knew the boy had come upstairs. She leaned toward her clock: the numbers glowed 06:00. The stars outside the window were growing pale. She would not sleep again now.
my every single morning
The boy was taken upstairs without warning, unprotesting as he had been through all the changes in his seventeen years, the shifts from cell to cell each time he outgrew the bolt on his ankle and the Doctor came to exchange it for a larger one, an operation performed with a tool the Hold people called the Mallet, which jarred the whole leg and sometimes made the blood spray from the anklebone, and caused a sense of queasiness and superstitious awe in the boy, who would glimpse, for the instant during which the bolt and chain were removed, the shiny and alien-looking patch of underexposed skin on his leg which, according to the prophet, housed the seat of the soul.
That … is quite the #OpeningSentence
The #SFFBookClub pick for December 2024
The #SFFBookClub pick for October 2024
Counterweight is a nearish-future scifi thriller set on the island of Patusan, which I have just learned today has a long literary legacy.
The plot follows an unnamed employee of the LK Corporation as he attempts to unravel a series of events revolving around the world's first space elevator, erected by LK on Patusan. I enjoyed the originality of the setting, but I found the whole thing fairly convoluted and somewhat difficult to follow.
The dystopian corporation-state future where having a literal worm implanted in your brain is a condition of employment is becoming all too plausible at this point.