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reviewed Ėneida by Virgil (Pami︠a︡tniki mirovoĭ literatury)

Review of 'Ėneida' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Há quem diga que uma vida só se pode dizer bem vivida se nela se tiver um filho, se plantar uma árvore e se escrever um livro. Eu que me sei fraco contribuidor para as estatísticas demográficas, mau agricultor e desinspirado escritor, abraço o papel que me sobra e dedico o que me resta de tempo de vida a navegar pelas grandes obras que constituem o importantíssimo cânone da nossa cultura ocidental. Se, prestes a expirar minha passagem por esta terra, me perguntarem se filhos tive, árvores plantei e livros escrevi, negativa a resposta em todos esses quesitos, poderei, no mínimo, suspirar contente: “bem, pelo menos li a Eneida!”.

Superficial que seja, em sinceridade não posso esconder que uma das minhas motivações principais ao ler esta obra foi o de buscar essa muito enriquecedora sensação de haver cumprido uma importante missão de vida, essa de haver visitado um dos grandes …

피에르 바야르: How to talk about books you haven't read (2007, Bloomsbury) 5 stars

This is a book that will challenge everyone who's ever felt guilty about missing some …

Review of "How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Is there really a book we have read? How so, if we immediately start forgetting when we read it? Is there a difference between a book we have not read and a book we have forgot?

These are no trifle questions; for this book is not to be taken lightly. This is not a self-help book. This is a treatise on literature, on culture as a whole.

If you want to find your way through the endless rows of the collective library of humankind, if you want delve deeper into whatever thing happens to be your thing, you obviously need books, lots of books; problem is: there are simply too many of them, and there's not enough time or life that would make that task feasible; game over; better quit. So what to do when you are faced with those inevitable situations where you will have to exchange information …

Richard Mabey: The cabaret of plants (2016, W.W. Norton & Company) 3 stars

"The Cabaret of Plants is a masterful, globe-trotting exploration of the relationship between humans and …

Review of 'The cabaret of plants' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This book covers a very interesting, though not much explored, subject of the history of how humanity came to perceive plants and their roles. This, in some sense, is a history of botany, but taken in a much broader sense of how societies understand plants.

As the subtitle suggests, the book focus on the human perspective of plants, with many tales of discoveries and fascinations, fads, and the personalities behind such events. If you read it expecting to have plants as the main characters, this will be disappointed. But that you probably know. If this is a book about the forty thousand years of plant life and the human imagination, it comes with little surprise that this will focus on the human dealings with plants.

If you like plants; and if you like to discover how humans have changed their perceptions about these fascinating yet so strange living things, this …

Richard J. Miller: Drugged: The Science and Culture Behind Psychotropic Drugs (2013, Oxford University Press) 4 stars

Review of 'Drugged: The Science and Culture Behind Psychotropic Drugs' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Drugs are a weird subject by default. You know they exist; you may know some of them and some of their effects. But how many of us know their history? What about how they work and how much science knows about them?

And this is where this book shines. Covering many different substances, the author goes in great detail into the fascinating stories about drugs and their discoveries, the chemical features that make them relevant and the ways they interact with the brain.

After reading it, and notwithstanding the inherent complexity of the chemistry involved, you’ll have a much broader understanding on this controversial but unavoidable subject. If the use of drugs is rampant in our contemporary world, knowing about them will at least give you a saner perspective and a much more informed position about the whens and hows they came to be what they are.

Review of 'Livro do desassossego' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Há semanas que adio escrever sobre este livro. Que livro é este? Livro do Desassossego, inacabado, não publicado, amontoado de papéis que fazem o sentido que fazem, mesmo quando não fazem sentido. No desassossego de ler o desassossego de Pessoa, são tantas as impressões, tantas as contradições, tantos os princípios, esboços, retalhos que, no final, sobra o quê? Desassossego.

Lido uma vez, ao fechar a última página (qualquer que seja), descobre-se que o livro uma vez aberto jamais pode ser fechado. Do desassossego de ler, o desassossego de ali ter de retornar.

Há semanas que adio escrever sobre este livro. Mais semanas adiarei, até quando tiver novamente lido—se bem lido algum dia ficar. Agora sou também eu desassossego.