Reviews and Comments

Leonardo Pacheco

[email protected]

Joined 2 years, 9 months ago

I mostly read sci-fi, but sometimes also read other things. Languages: português/english/日本語.

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Ananyo Bhattacharya: Man from the Future (2021, Penguin Books, Limited) No rating

The smartphones in our pockets and computers like brains. The vagaries of game theory and …

Biography of John von Neumann. I don’t think I like him much after reading this. I knew he was involved with the atomic bomb development, but not that he was so central to so much military research. Also, the explanations for the mathematics I have studied were quite weak (no idea about how good are the physics though).

finished reading Labyrinths by Jorge Luis Borges (Penguin twentieth-century classics)

Labyrinths is a collection of short stories and essays by the writer Jorge Luis Borges. …

A few good ideas, but mostly meh. I think I liked Borges better when I read him in portuguese. Many stories read as ‘look at this weird math’; personally, I feel more satisfied with proper books on mathematical logic.