Terry Pratchett: Guards! Guards! (2001) 4 stars

Guards! Guards! is a fantasy novel by British writer Terry Pratchett, the eighth in the …

Review of 'Guards! Guards?' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Dragons do not exist any more... or do they? Kings no longer rule Ankh-Morpork but maybe monarchy is not dead... yet. Maybe all it takes is someone to kill a dragon and become the king. But what if the dragon does not want to go because it rather enjoys the city? Captain Vimes and his squad are in charge of bringing common sense to the people, but the task may be too hot for them.

I loved, loved, loved this book! I may have fallen in love with every main character, even with the "propulsion" dragon. I laughed way too much! But as always, Pratchett knows exactly how to infuse the story the story with humans and their human silliness. What a great book!