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nigini's books

Currently Reading (View all 16)

replied to sol2070's status

@sol2070 aí me parece que voltamos ao trecho que compartilhei no começo e ao seu comentário de que as coisas podemos ser mais parecidas do que contrastantes (se você está aberto a aprender com cada pensador.) Fico feliz por nossa interação sobre este tópico. :)

replied to sol2070's status

@sol2070 Acredito que muitos seres humanos, líderes e seguidores, com suas próprias interpretações de certos conceitos e filosofias, fizeram e vão continuar fazendo merda. Não sou muito bom de Marxismo ou Comunismo, mas não lembro de Marx estar de acordo com Stalin e os colegas da URSS mandar o povo pro paredão. Cavando bem, um vai encontrar pessoas do movimento anarquista detonando bomba na geral, e cooperativas tão alinhadas com o capitalismo quanto muita corporação. Meu ponto: Criticar o coleguinha é fácil (não estou falando de você ou ninguém específico); difícil é criar e crescer comunidades capazes de sobreviver com valores não capitalistas (mesmo sendo esta a única forma real de reverter a lambança criada por este último). :(

Geert Lovink: Extinction Internet (EBook, Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam) 4 stars

Extinction Internet is not merely an end-of-the-world phantasy of digital technology that one day will …

"what’s really at stake here is a collapse of the collective imagination of a technology (i.e., the internet) that is playing such a pivotal role in the everyday life of billions, one that nonetheless can be shaped, steered, designed, bent towards unofficial purposes. The closing of the possibility of change has been going on for a decade or more, replaced by smooth user interfaces and cat videos."

replied to sol2070's status

@sol2070 EXATO! Tava discutindo com a patroa como estou cada vez menos interessado nessa disputa de escolas: li três textos recentemente, um dizendo que o outro não funciona (comunismo, anarquismo, cooperismo), mas no final, todos querem a mesma sociedade... Eu quero é que o povo viva formas anti-capitalistas... Precisamos de um mundo plural, inúmeros experientos de reorganização local de comunidades empoderadas.

commented on Slow Down by Brian Bergstrom

Brian Bergstrom, Kohei Saito: Slow Down (Astra House) No rating

Why, in our affluent society, do so many people live in poverty, without access to …

"As Zizek says here, communism is nothing less than the conscious attempt to reconstruct the commons—knowledge, nature, human rights, society—dismantled by capitalism.

It's not well known, but Marx in fact referred to the society to come, a society founded on the reconstructed commons, as one of “free association.” When he spoke of this future society, Marx seldom used the words “socialism” or “communism.” Rather, he preferred to refer to the “free association” of producers. The voluntary mutual aid between workers characterizing such an association is the ultimate realization of the commons."

commented on Emergent Strategy by adrienne maree brown

adrienne maree brown: Emergent Strategy (Paperback, 2017, AK Press) 1 star

In the tradition of Octavia Butler, radical self-help, society-help, and planet-help to shape the futures …

"The clearer you are as a group about where you’re going, the more you can relax into collaborative innovation around how to get there. You can relax into decentralization, and you want to."

Robert Atwan, Vivian Gornick: Best American Essays 2023 (2023, HarperCollins Publishers) No rating

"It is a category error to say that a haiku is “concise.” It is not like a bigger, wordier poem that has been boiled down to one image, some concentrate or demi-glace of a landscape. It is more like a tiny 300,000,000-volt thundercloud. Or the reader is the cloud, electric with potential, and the haiku is the single tree on a hill." -- George Estreich

commented on Extinction Internet by Geert Lovink

Geert Lovink: Extinction Internet (EBook, Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam) 4 stars

Extinction Internet is not merely an end-of-the-world phantasy of digital technology that one day will …

"Perhaps we have already ran out of time to do fundamental research but the least we can do is facilitate artists—and listen carefully to their cosmotechnic ‘cli-fi’ imagination. (...) What is internet degrowth, machine unlearning, artificial stupidity? (...) Let’s stop building Web3 solutions for problems that do not exist and launch tools that decolonize, redistribute value, conspire and organize."

Bernard E. Harcourt: Cooperation (2023, Columbia University Press) 3 stars

Liberal democracy is in crisis around the world, unable to address pressing problems such as …

Not actually about cooperation

3 stars

Although full of good ideas and pointers, this book reads like an explosion of thoughts around the principles and values of Coops (as in, participatory democracy, solidarity, sustainability, mutualism, etc). There is a good presentation of the coop movement and interesting bridges with other social justice movements. But most of the text are half baked (cyclical) explorations of links with social, political, and philosophical threads the author has knowledge about.

Relevant, food for thought, but half baked.

@yuribravos Yes! Although the author poses it as a rhetorical question: he goes on to discuss how "the global south" and "developing nations" were never meant to be anything other than resource and labor exploitation. So, under the colonial/capitalist regime we leave on, the answer is a imoral and resounding (with an evil background laugh): No! All progress to whom can pay for it. :(

commented on Cooperation by Bernard E. Harcourt

Bernard E. Harcourt: Cooperation (2023, Columbia University Press) 3 stars

Liberal democracy is in crisis around the world, unable to address pressing problems such as …

"Prison abolition had to be accompanied by the creation of an array of social institutions that would begin to solve the social problems that set people on the track to prison...

We would not be looking for prisonlike substitutes for the prison, such as house arrest safeguarded by electronic surveillance bracelets. Rather, (...) we would try to envision a continuum of alternatives to imprisonment —demilitarization of schools, revitalization of education at all levels, a health system that provides free physical and mental care to all, and a justice system based on reparation and reconciliation rather than retribution and vengeance." --- Angela Davis