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reviewed Galatea 2.2 by Richard Powers

Richard Powers: Galatea 2.2 (2004) 4 stars

Galatea 2.2 is a 1995 pseudo-autobiographical novel by American writer Richard Powers and a contemporary …

Old school AI fiction

4 stars

(em português → )

I read the novel "Galatea 2.2" (1995) because I had become a big fan of Richard Powers, for his book "The Overstory". It's about a writer who is asked to train a neural network -- in the "old-fashioned way", with 90s tech -- to pass a test by commenting on literary classics. Had she developed a genuine subjective awareness?

I'd give an 8. I was disappointed that it wasn't as strong as "The Overstory", but that was only my half-unconscious expectation. It's not science fiction like I'm used to, being much more "high literature" than I imagined, but it was a nice surprise. There is, for example, a very well-told love story. I was surprised at how involved I became, as this is a genre that usually doesn't appeal to me.

Much of the story is based on Powers' own biography. I liked it a …

Richard Powers: The Overstory (2019, W. W. Norton & Company) 5 stars

The Overstory, winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction, is a sweeping, impassioned work of …

The Secret of Trees

5 stars

(em português →

I think "The Overstory" (2018), by Richard Powers, was the best fiction I've ever read. "I think" because I didn't stop to create a ranking, but I can't remember anything so powerful.

I finished a second reading with a more intense impression than the first. In recent years, this was one of the only books I wanted to re-read immediately after finishing -- the other was Jeff Vandermeer's "Southern Reach" trilogy.

They say that the perfect book is the one you finish with the feeling of not being the same person anymore. A critic said that about "The Overstory" and, yes, absolutely. The work -- which won the Pullitzer Prize for best fiction in 2019 -- manages to open up perception and empathy with other beings in this profound dimension of the interconnectedness of life.

It's a story that gradually interconnects the lives of nine people …

reviewed The Actual Star by Monica Byrne

Monica Byrne: The Actual Star (Hardcover, 2021, Harper Voyager) 5 stars

The Actual Star takes readers on a journey over two millennia and six continents —telling …

Science fiction as I've always wanted it

5 stars

(em português → )

"The Actual Star" (2022), by Monica Byrne, is the kind of book I'm always looking for in science fiction, but rarely find. It combines several of the topics that interest me most today: post-apocalyptic utopia, anarchism, psychedelics, climate emergency, regenerative technologies, cosmo-spiritual questions, etc.

The summary doesn't look like much: three interconnected stories set a thousand years apart - in 1012, 2012 and 3012 - that use Maya mythology to talk about reincarnation, collapse and regeneration. In fact, as soon as I read the synopsis, I wished distance, imagining something new age, with "age of Aquarius", Maya calendar, or "conspirituality". At the very least, it sounded like a hackneyed story, like that average movie "Cloud Atlas" (2012), by the Wachowski, or the great "The Fountain" (2006), by Darren Aronofsky.

But I saw a lot of effusive praise, even from people I admire like Kim Stanley …

Baruch Spinoza: Ethics (2005) 4 stars

Ethics, Demonstrated in Geometrical Order (Latin: Ethica, ordine geometrico demonstrata), usually known as the Ethics, …

Why read Spinoza

5 stars

(em português → )

I had wanted to delve deeper into the philosopher Spinoza (Holland, 17th century) ever since I read Bertrand Russell's "History of Western Philosophy" in college. In the easily digestible summaries of the life and work of each important Western thinker in that collection, Spinoza's "rational pantheism" seemed to me the best way to explain and extract meaning from reality.

Another attraction is that this thinker was one of the few who lived the philosophy he formulated, rather than the standard behavior of saying one thing and doing another. If philosophy were a religion, Spinoza would be one of its greatest saints.

His greatest work "Ethics" is no exception to the rule of the classics of philosophy: "difficult" is a nickname. That's one of the reasons it took me so long to get to grips with the book. But I still intend to re-read it several …

reviewed A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire, #2)

George R. R. Martin: A Clash of Kings (Paperback, 2005, Bantam Books) 4 stars

A comet the colour of blood and flame cuts across the sky. And from the …

Much more gripping than the previous volume, for those who watched it on screen

5 stars

( em português →

"A Clash of Kings", by George R.R. Martin, is the second volume of the "Song of Ice and Fire" series (adapted into the acclaimed Game of Thrones TV show). In this book, I felt that I had really made up for diving into the bricks (this one is almost a thousand pages long, in the english pocket version) of this literary series, after being hooked by the adaptation and wanting to prolong the experience of the saga. Not that the first volume is bad, but the HBO series follows it so faithfully that the book wasn't as gripping for me.

For those who loved "Game of Thrones" and read, it's a must. One challenge of the on-screen experience is that, because there are so many parallel plots, some profound developments have inevitably been dealt with summarily - otherwise, something like 12 seasons would have been …

Neil Gaiman, Yoshitaka Amano: Sandman - Os Caçadores de Sonhos (Português language, 2017, Panini) 5 stars

Quando Neil Gaiman resolveu adaptar uma antiga lenda japonesa perdida, Yoshitaka Amano – o célebre …

Uma fábula japonesa contada por Neil Gaiman

5 stars


A série de história em quadrinhos Sandman me marcou muito quando tinha uns 14 anos. Era tanta alegria quando via a edição nova do mês, com as capas maravilhosas do Dave McKean, na banca de jornal! Passada a adolescência, deixei isso quase completamente para trás. Passei a acompanhar as criações do Neil Gaiman e, recentemente, adorei a série da Netflix.

Mais de 30 anos depois, descobri Os Caçadores de Sonhos no Bookwyrm da Velha Estante (via @Sirius). Adorei tudo! As pinturas são de cair o queixo. A prosa evoca fábulas imemoriais mitológicas. Como tenho admiração pelo budismo e pela cultura japonesa, esse foi outro ponto alto. Gostei também do formato, que, diferentemente da série original, não é uma HQ, mas um conto ilustrado, pelo artista japonês Yoshitaka Amano.

Sandman — Os Caçadores de Sonhos (1999) adapta com fidelidade uma antiga fábula japonesa, sobre o amor impossível entre uma …

reviewed Apoio Mútuo by Peter Kropotkin

Peter Kropotkin: Apoio Mútuo (Paperback, português language, 2021, Biblioteca Terra Livre) 4 stars

“As especulações darwinianas de Kropotkin sobre o possível papel da cooperação na evolução, com suas …

Clássico anarquista continua atual

4 stars

Li a versão em inglês, mas essa edição em português, da Biblioteca Terra Livre (de 2021), parece ótima.

Apoio Mútuo — Um fator de evolução (1902) é o grande clássico do russo Piotr Kropotkin, um dos mais importantes autores anarquistas. Entre os formuladores iniciais do movimento (como Proudhon e Bakunin), é o meu preferido.

Na verdade, o livro não é sobre o anarquismo em si, mas sobre o princípio natural que o embasa, segundo Kropotkin. O autor tinha formação como geógrafo e estudou e observou animais por muitos anos. Seus comentários e notas são consideradas valiosas até hoje nessa área de estudo.

Segundo o livro, apoio mútuo é um princípio mais fundamental do que a competição, observado nas mais variadas espécies animais, e não se restringe à cooperação entre indivíduos da mesma espécie, expandindo-se até para a ajuda recíproca entre tipos diferentes de animais. Isso não significa que …

reviewed A guerra dos tronos by George R. R. Martin (As Crônicas de Gelo e Fogo, #1)

George R. R. Martin: A guerra dos tronos (português language, Suma) 5 stars

A guerra dos tronos é o primeiro livro da série best-seller internacional As Crônicas de …

Recomendado para quem amou a série na tela

5 stars

Como mencionei nesse texto (→ A mitologia de Game of Thrones e Terramar), vi a série Game of Thrones este ano. Jamais imaginava que ia ficar tão capturado. Esse é um daqueles poucos universos fictícios que geram um anseio e saudade especiais. Foi por isso que comecei a ler os livros com a história original.

A primeira temporada da série segue estreitamente o primeiro livro, A Guerra de Tronos (1996). É tão fiel que fiquei um pouco entediado, pois já antecipava todas as cenas-chave, que são praticamente idênticas às da série. Mesmo assim recomendo para quem amou Game of Thrones a ponto de desejar prolongar a experiência. Realmente, é muito mais uma experiência do que uma mera série. Que outra história teve a capacidade de juntar por anos pessoas em pubs para torcer como se fosse a Copa do Mundo?

Por mais que a série seja ótima em todos …